A Cure for Wellness (2017)★★★★☆


I know I’ve already made this clear, but again, obviously I don’t hate ALL movies that are over two hours. I liked this one! It wasn’t perfect, but it was mostly well-paced, and when a movie doesn’t FEEL like it drags on, it can keep going, I’m on board.

This is another of those movies where it’s very clear something is very wrong, and most of the movie is getting to the bottom of what that “very wrong” thing is. And here, there was a LOT wrong.

I really liked the muted colors in this. Everything was kind of muted, except for the blues. There are a few close-up scenes of Lockhart’s eyes, which are as “piercing” a blue as I’ve ever seen.

There are some really scary moments here, some wonderful performances (especially Mia Goth), and an interesting mystery. I don’t have a clear picture of who I’d recommend this to…definitely someone not too sensitive to body horror? But otherwise maybe I’d recommend it pretty broadly.