American Psycho II: All American Girl (2002)★★★☆☆

Okay, I know this is a bad movie. No one liked it! Bret Easton Ellis AND Mila Kunis have both denounced this film. In fact, it wasn’t originally penned as a sequel at all, just a standalone film, and I imagine people would’ve received it better if that’s how it ended up.
Because this movie is silly and fun and ridiculous and I kind of enjoyed watching it! I mean, come on, Mila Kunis as a (Spoilers ahead??) murderous sociopath? William Shatner having an affair with Lindy Booth?
Sure, the story is silly and implausible, and a lot of the performances are just over the top. Also, a character even says something about his cousin “hack[ing] the mainframe”. But it’s short, and it’s funny, and if you ignore the looming shadow of its “original”, you’ll probably enjoy this.