Before I Wake (2016)★★★★★

I originally watched this way back in 2016 and was going to write about it for the original run of this site, but there was some distribution issue and I wasn’t sure it was technically available anywhere so I put it aside and am finally getting back around to it.
But I loved this movie back in 2016 and I still loved it today. It made me cry SO MUCH. Mike Flanagan is really doing a number on my tear ducts this year. I cried SO HARD. Also, I was on an airplane watching it again this year and I was thinking “oh no…I’m going to ugly cry in my window seat” and I was sitting next to a couple who were fighting and I didn’t want to say anything to them to get up and cry in the bathroom…
Anyway, Jacob Tremblay is so good in this movie. It’s weird now that he’s 18 years old and doesn’t look quite as baby-faced as he used to, but this movie was peak baby-faced Jacob Tremblay and I am always impressed with his performance in movies.
I don’t know if you could guess, but this movie is really about family and love and loss and there was no question I was going to give it five stars. But I watched it again just in case my opinion had changed. Nope. Nope, I still recommend this movie but…just be a little careful. It’s really impactful and heavy and if you’re prone to crying at emotional films this one will GET YOU for sure.