Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)★★★☆☆

I’m giving this movie three stars, but barely, and it’s mostly because I really like Erica Leerhsen. This is a weird movie, and one that just really has no reason to exist.
It somehow both over- and under-explains itself throughout. The acting is a weird mix of mostly believable and seriously over the top. It’s literally a “response” to the original, in that the plot revolves around fans of the movie returning to the campsite and then, y’know, horror stuff happens.
But weird horror stuff, and weird time shifts, and more almost-hilarious sex scenes.
I don’t know. This movie is watchable - I’ve seen it a few times - but it’s not really a good movie, and there’s not really a satisfying ending, so watch at your own (boredom) risk I guess?