Cape Fear (1991)★★★☆☆

I forgot that this being a Martin Scorsese film meant it was going to be looooong. And it was long, but it wasn’t quite the slow burn of the original. And it was definitely much darker.
There were significantly more scary moments in this film, and the tension was heightened throughout. And I felt like all of the performances were of the more raw and real kind than in the original. Plus, I’m still waiting on season 3 of Yellowjackets, so it was nice seeing a young Juliette Lewis in this one.
On the whole, I liked this more than the original, but I still didn’t really like it. It was long, and while it did have more scary moments and was more thrilling, it was still hard to get too into it. I was mostly waiting for it to end from about the halfway point.
The nostalgia of Juliette Lewis (and the cameos of some of the original actors), along with the mostly believable performances, earns it a third star, but I still don’t know that I’d strongly recommend this one at all.