Christine (1983)★★★★☆

I’m still catching up on sleep this week so I’m a bit tired but I’ll try to do this movie some justice. I’ll admit that nostalgia may be biasing my opinion on this one – it’s another movie I remember watching with my mom when I was younger. It’s also the first place I heard the song “Bad to the Bone.”
The pacing is a bit off on this one. It takes about 40 minutes for things to really get interesting. Luckily, when things start to get interesting, they stay interesting until the very end. The story makes sense (as far as a story about an evil car can make sense) and doesn’t leave too many questions if you’ve already suspended your disbelief of the premise.
Except for Harry Dean Stanton, there aren’t too many well-known faces in this one. At least not well-known to me. But the acting is pretty good and the group chemistry believable, so it works. This movie doesn’t get too graphic but it does get creepy and intense at times. Overall, it’s another Stephen King adaptation that I enjoyed.