Come to Daddy (2019)★★★★☆

Today is my dad’s birthday, so I’m watching this…in his honor? That’s maybe a little weird, I know. But I do love Elijah Wood (even more so since he showed up for season 2 of Yellowjackets!) and Stephen McHattie, so this movie already had that going for it.
And, like…yeah, it’s weird. Very weird. I want to be clear that my dad and I do not have THIS weird of a relationship? This is very weird. There’s a LOT of weird in this movie.
But it’s the kind of weird I like, I guess? I mean, I did like this. I went in knowing very little except that it had Elijah Wood and Stephen McHattie, but I guess that was enough. In fact, I’m glad I didn’t go in knowing anything more?
I don’t even know how or whether to recommend this film. It’s definitely…dark comedy. It’s not all that scary. It’s VERY weird, in case I haven’t mentioned that enough times here already. Maybe read some other reviews first if you’re on the fence?