Creep 2 (2017)★★★☆☆


I decided I wasn’t going to rewatch the first movie before rewatching this one, and…I’m not sure if that was a disservice to this or what, but I just wasn’t as entertained by this sequel as I remember being the first time I saw it.

I realize I didn’t write a lot about that first movie 8 years ago. I remember being really impressed with it, though. I think primarily that’s because I had known Mark Duplass from The League, as a comedic actor, and I was really impressed with the range he displayed as Josef.

I am still impressed with his range! He definitely brings the “creep” to these movies! I appreciated the extra vulnerability he brought to “Aaron” in this. But this one just wasn’t quite as disturbing or engrossing as the first.

That said, I hope they’re still planning on making a Creep 3. I would still watch it.