Curve (2015)★★★☆☆

Netflix has been on such a roll lately that I figured I’d give this one a try as well. Sadly, I didn’t enjoy it as much as the other Netflix suggestions I’ve watched recently.
That sad, it was okay. Julianne Hough (Mallory) and Teddy Sears (Christian) both delivered excellent performances, and the car accident (and scenes leading up to it) was harrowing. It also wasn’t entirely predictable; I found myself wondering what was going to happen next at several points during the film.
(Warning: some spoilers ahead) But, let’s face it, when is picking up a hitchhiker ever a good idea? I’ll admit I started growing impatient with the film the second Mallory stopped the car to let him in. She was so close to being on her way without any trouble! She had been reasonably intelligent until that point!
I did like the mostly understated background music throughout the film, and while there weren’t many scary moments, there were definitely some pretty disturbing scenes.
I think it was the pacing of the film, or perhaps the fact that there were many silent moments throughout (and I’m easily distracted), that kept me from really enjoying it. It was okay, but just okay, and probably another to add to the list of things to watch when you’re really bored.