Dark (2015)★★★☆☆

October’s feeling like a lazy month for me. I can’t believe it’s almost over! Which means my favorite holiday is coming up quickly. Sadly, I have a lot more to say about delicious candy than I do about this movie.
Whitney Able was fantastic as Kate. I really believed her descent into madness – and I believe alcohol and hot, humid weather would have had a similar effect on me. Everyone in the supporting cast was fine as well, and though there’s minimal background music, what is there is extremely well done.
My biggest problem with this movie is that it shows its hand way too early.If you’re paying attention, you know exactly what’s going to happen. And it does happen. And the only person who’s surprised is Kate.
It’s a neat concept for a film, though…and why not use something that actually happened? I liked the use of technology (or lack thereof) in this film. A blackout in 2016 is definitely different than the blackout in 2003 was, and while I didn’t fact check every detail, the filmmakers definitely seem to have spent some time making it look as close to 2003 as they could.
I don’t remember the blackout too well because I was on the other side of the country and it didn’t really affect me all that much. Just the thought of not having air conditioning in that kind of heat, though…that’s enough to give me nightmares for months.