Deadly Friend (1986)★★★★☆

I’m going to be so honest right now that I’m watching this the day after the US presidential election and I am certain that’s having a major impact on how I feel about this film…but I found it so weird and funny and entertaining.
(Almost certainly spoilers) Like, Kristy Swanson’s character getting killed by her abusive father and having a robot microchip implanted in her brain and going murderous? Amazing. The revenge story I needed right now.
The blue eye shadow so you KNOW Sam isn’t entirely Sam anymore? Amazing. The character building is good, the story is pretty good, and the 1980s of it all really only adds to this, in my opinion.
Plus it’s Wes Craven directing, so you really can’t go too wrong. I don’t know if this was actually a good movie, but it was what I needed today, and I definitely needed something.