Doctor Sleep (2019)★★★★☆

Okay, I was…hesitant to watch this, because it’s a two and a half hour movie, but it IS Mike Flanagan (AND Stephen King), and I watched The Shining last time around, so it had to be included here. And I’m glad it was.
Yes, it got a little long. Honestly, I think this could have been made into one of Flanagan’s miniseries instead of a single feature film. Stephen King books can get LONG, and Mike Flanagan has a good history of miniseries…but it definitely wasn’t the worst of the longer movies I’ve watched this year (or even of the longer Stephen King movies I’ve watched this year), and while it did feel long, it didn’t feel bloated.
I haven’t actually read this book, but the movie made me want to, which I think is a good sign? The characters were compelling. The story was interesting. The cast was outstanding. Lots of familiar Mike Flanagan faces, of course.
Overall, this is probably hard to recommend if you aren’t already a fan of Mike Flanagan or Stephen King or The Shining, but it’s really easy to recommend if you are. And yeah, it did make me tear up a bit at the end.