Don't Worry Darling (2022)★★★☆☆

Oh hey, another movie I first saw alone in theaters! Unlike yesterday’s, though, I kept my phone for the whole thing. And it wasn’t dark outside when I exited the theater. So, I guess slightly less of a mood to carry over on rewatch? Which is ok, because honestly the real-life drama surrounding this movie was more a thing of interest than the drama in the story, and even that faded pretty quickly.
This movie is fine. Everyone is so pretty, the acting is fine, there are some really intriguing visual effects, and did I mention everyone is so pretty? It’s a beautiful film - there’s a lot of great color play, some really neat cinematography and camera angles, and…did I mention everyone is so pretty?
But I think the “pretty” factor is most of what this movie has going for it. That and Florence Pugh, who is amazing in everything I see her in. There are a lot of things that don’t make sense in this movie, and the ending isn’t satisfying enough to feel good about all the unanswered questions. It’s a mostly watchable ride, but it doesn’t quite take you anywhere new.
If you’re a fan of trippy, somewhat slow-burn psychological thrillers, you might find this enjoyable…but I wouldn’t recommend thinking about it too deeply. Oh, and in case you weren’t sure, also like yesterday’s film, patriarchy is the real monster.