Double Blind (2024)★★★★★

(I apologize in advance, but this whole thing might be spoilers?)
I was skeptical of this at first. Like, it’s certainly not the first horror movie where if you fall asleep, you die - in fact, I’m pretty sure I’m watching another later this week. You know, how original could it really be?
But it has Pollyanna McIntosh, it’s short, and I figured I’d give it a try.
Well, I am always happy to be proven wrong by a film. Here the story might not be “original,” but the execution was. This was a compelling movie with a lot of tension, some terrifying scenes, and some likable - or at least relatable - characters. I really enjoyed it.
Sure, it leaves a lot of unanswered questions at the end. Sure, there are times when it’s a bit over-the-top with the violence and gore, or a bit too…I don’t know, surrealist and esoteric? But I was hooked from the start, I really enjoyed Millie Brady’s performance, and I really enjoyed this movie.
I guess that’s not too many spoilers. So just one more - poor Paul.