Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde (1976)★★★☆☆

I found this movie interesting, if a bit slow and campy. This movie was directed by William Crain, who also directed Blacula. I found this movie more straightforward and less ethereal than Blacula, but maybe not as entertaining?
(Spoilers ahead) Contrary to most (Western) media, in this film, it’s the Black doctor who’s the “good guy”, and the white, monstrous version that comes out after the Doctor injects himself with the serum is the “bad guy”.
There’s a lot more social and racial and socioeconomic commentary in this film, but other people have said things already that are more interesting than what I’d come up with:
- Dawn Keetley’s review, “Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde and White Monstrosity”
- The Black Horror Movies review Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde AKA Dr. Black and Mr. White AKA The Watts Monster