Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)★★★☆☆

This one wasn’t bad. It wasn’t great, and it definitely wasn’t as good as yesterday’s, but it was better than the second and third entries in the franchise. It was just okay.
(Sorry if I spoil this almost 40-year-old movie for you?) I can see why the filmmakers thought “hey, let’s try with NOT Jason” this time. And I can also see why they decided that wasn’t going to go well for future movies.
I liked that they brought back Tommy’s character (though Corey Feldman is only briefly in the beginning, before there’s a time skip). I thought the acting was mostly good, the story was okay. There were some fun death scenes.
I’m glad that some of the middle entries in this franchise aren’t AWFUL. It would’ve been really tough to watch a bunch of two-star (or lower) films in a row. Here’s hoping there’s at least a couple more three-star or above films to go?