Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)★★★★☆

Oh, now THIS is a Friday the 13th movie I can get behind! How did I not know that (very young) Corey Feldman was in this? That’s not the only reason I liked this, but it certainly helped.
This felt like the first in the franchise that didn’t take itself too seriously. It was so funny, but not in a “I can’t believe how terrible this is” kind of way, more in a “yes, this is meant to be humorous” way, and it just REALLY worked for me.
I also thought the acting was better than in the first three movies. Corey Feldman was great as always (I know, I know, I just have a thing for Corey Feldman). Crispin Glover was surprisingly convincing. And I also really enjoyed the character of Rob, played by Erich Anderson, who I just learned unfortunately passed away a few months ago.
Anyway, I just…it’s always risky to name a film “The Final Chapter,” and I’m not even halfway through the franchise films I’m watching this month, but…I’m going to bet this one will end up my favorite of the bunch.