Get Out (2017)★★★★☆

I like this one a lot. It has so many familiar faces who are all fantastic. It has the perfect score. It’s well-directed and well-paced.
I can see why Daniel Kaluuya was nominated for an Oscar for it, and why Jordan Peele won an Oscar (Best Original Screenplay) for it.
It definitely had me interested in whatever Jordan Peele was going to do next - and set a super high bar for him as well.
It’s hard to say much without spoilers (though I think there’s a whole lot of spoilers out there already), but I liked this one and would recommend it pretty broadly. Carefully, but broadly.
There’s been a lot of really great stuff written about this movie. One piece I particularly liked is this oral history of Get Out, “The First Great Movie of the Trump Era” by Jada Yuan and Hunter Harris.