Halloween II (1981)★★★☆☆

Okay, welcome to another round of “too many movies in a single franchise”! Probably similar to the Friday the 13th collection, I’m not going to watch these all back to back. Also, fair warning, some of this is going to be posted out of order. Like, I’m not watching Halloween 3 until next week, because it’s basically a standalone film unrelated to Laurie Strode and Michael Myers and it fits better with my schedule this way.
So, on to this movie, which is a direct sequel to the first Halloween. It was okay. Watching this reminded me yet again how much young Jamie Lee Curtis reminds me of my kindergarten best friend!
This is the first movie that (spoiler alert) explains Laurie Strode is Michael Myers’ sister, which is a plot point that sticks around for MANY years but apparently gets written out for the 2018 movie and onwards? Interested to see how that plays out, I guess.
I found the pacing on this to be kind of off. There’s a lot of filler that happens and not a whole lot of Michael Myers terrorizing and murdering folks until later on. Honestly the beginning kind of lost me. But it eventually picks its speed up and settles on a decent pacing.
I don’t know that this is an awful thing to watch, but I’d probably only recommend it for completion’s sake? I guess especially if the introduced plot point carries on for the next several films in the franchise.