Holiday Hell (2019)★★★☆☆

This is a bad movie. There’s an argument to be made that it’s so bad it’s good, but…you’d have to do a LOT of arguing. So why am I rating it three full stars? Jeffrey Combs. Literally the third star is just for Jeffrey Combs.
Well, him and Hanukkah. Do you know how hard it is to find any Hanukkah horror? I could have saved The Cellar for later, I suppose, and there are certainly a good number of scary movies focused on Jewish folklore, but there’s no comparison to the Christmas-themed slashers out there. There are THREE Black Christmas interpretations, alone.
So don’t watch this movie. It’s poorly written, clearly low-budget and feels alarmingly low-effort. But it does have Jeffrey Combs. And he (and his frame story) are, perhaps unsurprisingly, the best part of the whole movie.