Hunger (2009)★★☆☆☆

I feel like maybe I’m not in a generous mood this week. This month? I’m feeling more sensitive to slow-burn films, particularly ones that drag along in a boring manner. Unfortunately, I seem to keep picking them.
Honestly, this movie isn’t terrible. I think the performances are pretty good! Lori Heuring is always great, and the rest were pretty unfamiliar faces, which worked in this (though, and (Spoiler alert?), the “scientist” kind of looked to me like James Roday Rodriguez, which took away from the creep factor quite a bit for me).
I feel like the mid-to-late 2000s and early 2010s had a TON of “strangers wake up in a strange place and don’t know how they got there” horror movies, in the vein of basically every Saw film. This is no exception. It looks like last go around I was feeling more generous on these movies (see Nine Dead and Vile for examples)?
Which is why I say I’m not feeling generous today. The characters weren’t all that stupid! The “reveal” was pretty stupid (and obvious, like almost not even a reveal at all), I suppose. And, ok, I’ve been distracted and busy this week, so maybe I’m being unfair to this one (was it really worse than Nine Dead? I don’t want to go back and watch that one to remember, so…sorry, Hunger, you’re out of luck, and out of a third star).
Hopefully I’ll pick some more entertaining films next week. Summer’s coming, I need some films to give me the chills!!