Idle Hands (1999)★★★★☆

I chose this in honor of my favorite ex-husband’s birthday today. It has been a long time since I watched this movie. I’m glad to see it mostly holds up! As a horror-comedy that has a decent bit of both horror AND comedy!
I remember seeing this around when it came out, and…there are definitely a lot of stoner comedy references I didn’t understand back then. I watched this primarily for Devon Sawa, whom I loved since the 1995 Casper movie (with Christina Ricci!), where he makes a very brief appearance as real-life Casper.
This is definitely a different movie and a different character, but it’s also a fun watch. Plus this one has Fred Willard (briefly), Seth Green, and Jessica Alba to round out the fun and the cast.
This is a silly movie but I think it strikes the right balance between horror and comedy, and it’s an easy watch for me. I’d recommend this over a lot of the more recent horror-comedy movies I’ve watched!