I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006)★★☆☆☆

I can see why this was direct-to-video, but I can’t honestly tell why this was made at all. It’s the shortest of the three films, and also the most boring.
I genuinely liked how it started! There was action and tension and a “big secret we all have to take to our graves”! Unfortunately the rest of the movie is a giant drag.
I don’t even really know how to explain how bad it is. It’s boring, but it’s boring in an odd way? It feels like an extended episode of some teen drama on the CW (it probably doesn’t help that Torrey DeVitto from One Tree Hill and other CW dramas is in it).
There’s also something like a blue filter over most of the film, like a lot of late 1990s and early 2000s films I think. To add to the drama? I don’t know. Add in some weird close-ups on inanimate objects, plus just generally weird cinematography decisions and jump cuts, and the whole thing is just a mess.
So yeah, skip this one. If you really want to watch it, pay attention for the first 10 minutes or so, then go do several other things while the rest of the movie plays out.