Interview with the Vampire (1994)★★★★☆

I forgot how long this movie was. I don’t think it’s the longest movie I’ve watched so far, but it may be the longest that wasn’t originally a TV miniseries adaptation of a Stephen King novel.
Instead, this was a (very) full length feature film adaptation of an Anne Rice novel. And it’s not a bad adaptation, but it is a long one.
I’ve got fond memories of watching this multiple times with my mom and my best friend. The only Mario Paint movie I remember my friend Sara and I making included our crude rendering of Tom Cruise as Lestat from this movie (and some other rather crude drawings as well).
It’s also one of the first things I ever saw – and liked – Kirsten Dunst in (and one of the first she ever was in). There are many other familiar faces throughought this film, of course, all of whom are interesting, believable, and well cast.
This isn’t a scary film, but to me it’s one of the defining films of the vampire genre. I might even go so far as to say the vampire Lestat is one of the defining characters of the genre – or the species – as a whole.
Overall, I still like this movie. Even more than 20 years later, even knowing how it ends, even as long as it is…I still like it. A lot.