Isabelle (2019)★★★☆☆

What did I say about liking scary movies with Adam Brody? Here’s another one! I didn’t like it as much as yesterday’s, but I didn’t hate it. It has just awful reviews online, but I watched it on a service with a bunch of ads and I still found it pretty ok, and in general I’ve learned not to trust reviews of horror movies.
This movie also had Amanda Crew in it, so with Adam Brody and Amanda Crew I was all poised to really like it. But the special effects were lacking (and sometimes laughable), the shaky cam was distracting, and the story was kind of boring. It’s also yet another riff on the “mental illness or supernatural” theme, and you know how I feel about those.
So I didn’t REALLY like it, but it was fine. It’s probably worth putting on as background noise or something. Oh, it also had Sheila McCarthy from Anything for Jackson in basically the same role? I don’t know if that’s a point in its favor or anything, but it’s a fact I felt worth mentioning.