Jason X (2001)★★★★☆

Happy Friday the 13th! Hope you’re all doing something spooky to celebrate!
I’m so happy this movie exists. It’s so silly and stupid and I was so entertained.
It’s Jason Voorhees…in space. In the 25th century. It’s SO FUNNY.
My husband walked in partway through the film and said it looks like a “made-for-TV Sci-Fi Channel movie from 1999” and like…yeah. It’s from 2001 and I’m pretty sure was actually released in theaters, but that is certainly the vibe it gives off.
And I’m not going to lie, I watched the hell out of those Sci-Fi Channel films. Just like I watched the hell out of this film. It’s not GOOD, but it is HIGHLY watchable and entertaining. You could skip almost all the Friday the 13th films, but I’d definitely recommend this one.
Just one more Friday the 13th film to go!