Kristy (2014)★★★★☆

This is yet another film I remember enjoying more the first time around. (Spoiler alert) Honestly, maybe this year I’m just more sensitive to the dogs getting killed? I feel like I should have run my whole calendar through before watching anything?
To be fair, this is a better movie than a lot of what I’ve watched lately. I was wavering between three and four stars, but I think given that it’s less than an hour and a half long, and that I enjoyed Haley Bennett’s performance, I’ll give it the extra star.
There’s not a whole lot of “story” in this one, mostly a lot of running and hiding. It doesn’t really drag on, but a lot of it is too dark to see much happen. I did like the pool scenes. …it somehow made me want to go swimming? Or to watch Poltergeist 3 again?
Anyway, you could do worse for yourself than watch this one. You could do better, for sure, but you could definitely do worse.