Kuso (2017)★★☆☆☆

Other than “a whole lot of WTF,” I wasn’t really sure what to expect from a film referred to in at least one article as “the movie that traumatized Sundance”, and whose director defended the film by saying “only like 20 people out of like 400” walked out.
And I feel like I did get more than JUST a whole lot of WTF… but I don’t really have the words to describe what I got?
On the one hand, I can totally see the art and storytelling in this movie. I can see how this would speak to some people deeply…and I can also see how this would disturb some people greatly.
Me? I wouldn’t say “greatly” disturbed, but…ok, no, I will say greatly disturbed, just like, not to the point of walking out or throwing up? This is not my style of movie.
But I’m giving it two stars instead of one because, as I said, I can see the art and storytelling here. I just didn’t really enjoy it myself.
(And honestly, if you’re wondering whether or not YOU should watch this movie, I guess ask yourself if sitting through “the Most Vile Body Horror Film Ever Made” sounds like fun.)