Memorial Day (1999)★☆☆☆☆

Well, this was an EXTREME disappointment. It’s a bad movie, just truly awful, and now it’s an awful movie I own on DVD. Frustratingly, this movie didn’t even have the benefit of a familiar face like Lamorne Morris, so there was literally nothing to earn it an extra star. I don’t have a “no-star” rating, but this was definitely even worse than that other one-star movie with a LOT of familiar faces.
This movie just has nothing going for it. The dialogue is stilted, the deaths are boring, and honestly, the background music sounds like it’s straight out of an afterschool special. No character development is done, and everyone just seems quite unlikable from the start. So unlikable you’re just waiting for them to die…but then when they do, it’s not even satisfying, because everything is so boring.
This also holds the honor of displaying the worst fight scene I’ve ever seen. Hilariously bad, with terrible metal bedframes, and sneakers gliding/slipping on the bedroom floor, and no one even trying to go for the door? There’s also a (spoiler??) “twist” reveal at the very end here that’s no more interesting than the rest of the story!
I looked into it and the director and writer of this movie partnered up again for another horror movie in 2020. I’m not sure if I should even try it! On the one hand, they had 20 years to improve their craft, AND the movie has AJ Bowen, who I’ve mostly liked. On the other hand, this was a one-star movie with no redeeming qualities, so…