Nothing but Trouble (1991)★★★☆☆

Okay, so this is probably a weird choice for Thanksgiving, but it turns out there aren’t a whole lot of pre-1996 horror movies set on Thanksgiving? That I could find, anyway.
So I chose this one because I remember it scaring me quite a bit when I was young, and because the other thing I remembered was everyone gathered around a table for a meal, which seemed kind of fitting.
And…well, it scared me less this time around. I definitely understood more of the jokes (though I wouldn’t say I found it any funnier). Dan Aykroyd was still pretty scary, actually. As were Bobo and L’il Debbull. Other scenes were just more…grotesque? than I remembered.
Anyway, this is a movie that is full of nostalgia and 1990s…uhhhh…I don’t think “charm” is quite the right word, but I can’t think of another. It’s hard to recommend and almost harder to watch, but I do think it has its place in the world.