Prevenge (2017)★★★☆☆

Okay, have I mentioned Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace here yet? It’s an amazing British TV show with only 6 existing episodes, and if you haven’t yet seen it, you absolutely must as soon as possible. I love it so much. I think that show, along with a fundamental agreement of “no babies” is what solidifed the beginning of my relationship with my husband.
I guess it’s a little bit ironic, then, that I’m watching a movie with (and BY!) Alice Lowe, who played Madeleine Wool/Dr. Liz Asher, about a murderous pregnant woman? Well, whether it’s ironic or not, I wanted to like this one much more than I did.
It’s much more of a dark comedy than a scary story, and it’s a VERY British dark comedy. I think the comedy was the best part of the film, actually. My favorite line? “It’s a cutthroat world, you know.” Or maybe “No one called Josh is not gonna call the authorities.”
But it feels quite slow and quite long, and while the story is interesting and well told, it feels like it would be more fitting for a short film than this feature length movie. Alice Lowe is great, and she wrote, directed, and starred in this film WHILE PREGNANT HERSELF, which earns some brownie points on its own.
Now that I’m writing this out, I’m feeling more on the fence about this movie. Maybe I liked it more than a three-star rating would indicate? Maybe I mostly feel like if you’re a fan of Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace…and exceedingly dark horror, or comedy, or horror-comedy films…you’d like this, too?