Run (2020)★★★★☆

I like this movie. I’ll admit that it’s a bit less compelling on a second viewing, but it’s still interesting and so well acted.
I love Sarah Paulson. I think she has such a wide range to her acting, and I just believe everything she does. And she’s great here.
And newcomer Kiera Allen? Truly fantastic here. I appreciate that the filmmakers cast a wheelchair user in the role of a wheelchair user…which is admittedly sad to say (but sadder given its rarity in Hollywood).
This story is suspenseful and truly hinges on the performances of the two leads, so it only works because they work, but truly, they work.
This is primarly suspenseful and thrilling as opposed to terrifying or horrifying (though admittedly the concept on its own IS terrifying), and its PG-13 rating means there’s not too much gore or violence, so if you can deal with the Munchausen by Proxy of the whole thing, you might enjoy this.