Session 9 (2001)★★★☆☆

This movie has been hyped up quite a bit on various forums and review sites I’ve looked into so I decided to watch it for a second time (the first was many years ago). Unfortunately I think it’s yet another that I liked more the first time I saw it. Maybe that’s just me! Maybe I’m just feeling less generous these days!
I do love abandoned insane asylum stories. I think the overarching conceit of this is relatively interesting, and I think even moreso in that it was released in 2001 before this kind of thing was popular. It just didn’t grab my attention quickly enough.
It’s a slow burn for most of the movie. They lay some groundwork for what’s coming, and the last 20 minutes or so of the movie really pick up and get both scary and interesting! But I found it a bit too slow to start.
I do think this is worth watching, and I imagine if you were to go in blind and watch it with the lights off, it would do pretty well at scaring you (if you’re easily spooked, I guess). But I found the first hour and some a bit rough to get through myself.