Sleepaway Camp (1983)★★★☆☆

Okay, this is another older scary movie that I can definitely understand gaining a cult following. I’m not quite sure I can fully count myself among them, but I get it.
This movie is seriously campy. It’s clear from the beginning that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. There’s a good chunk in the middle where it’s a bit more serious, but you can tell from the start AND the end that this is not a serious movie.
It’s got a lot of the parts of your standard teenage summer camp slasher, but the campiness (pun intended?) pushes it into almost above-average territory. I also liked that most of the teenagers were ACTUALLY teenagers at the time of filming.
I knocked this down a couple stars because there’s definitely a lot that doesn’t hold up so well these days, and because it could have been scarier AND campier. But it’s not bad, and I certainly wouldn’t recommend against watching this if you’re looking for some campy fun some night.