Sorority Row (2009)★★★☆☆

Okay, I do have some more to say about this one than about yesterday’s. I liked this one better, but not better enough to give it a higher rating. But it has been a while since I’ve watched a scary movie with Julian Morris!
This is a very loose remake of the original. There’s a death that a bunch of sorority girls are trying to cover up, and then several of them get murdered, but that’s about the extent of similarities. Oh, and there’s a question about whether or not the dead body would float, I guess that’s another similarity.
I thought the actitng was better here, and the deaths were more interesting. The reveal at the end wasn’t as interesting as the original’s, unfortunately. But this one did have Carrie Fisher being kind of badass.
I thought this was mostly okay, but not fully engaging. The dialogue was stupid, the characters were kind of stupid, and the ending was kind of stupid. But it’s not awful and it’s probably worth putting on if you have other things to do at the same time.