Speak No Evil (2024)★★★☆☆

Let me say first off that I know this is an American remake of a Danish film. There’s even a nod to the Danish origins at the very beginning of the film, but I won’t spoil that in case you’re interested in seeing this one.
I love James McAvoy. I think he’s a great actor with incredible range and I have loved him in a lot of things. He’s excellent in this, but (purposefully) hard to like. In all honesty, none of the adults are very likable. I think that’s part of the point, but that makes it a bit harder for me to get into.
There’s something about this movie that reminds me of Funny Games, and it’s not just that it’s also an American remake of a European original. But I definitely liked Funny Games better. It’s probably because that one was action-packed and tension-full from the start, whereas this was a slow burn, and we all know how I feel about those…
So look, the last thirty minutes or so of this movie were great. But it took too long to get there with characters too unlikable that I was already taken out of things by then. I’ll chalk this up as another movie that was overhyped and underwhelming.