Suspiria (2018)★★★☆☆

Okay, for all my prior complaints about long movies? THIS movie is long. THIS movie is the longest movie I have watched for this site (it beats the next longest, The Shining, by 8 minutes). THIS movie is OVER TWO AND A HALF HOURS LONG.
And I guess it was fine? Mostly fine? I feel like it’s an odd choice to take away most of the mystery of the original, to let the audience in on (at least part of) the mystery so early.
But it was well shot, well performed, and the music by Thom Yorke was far more pleasant than the music of the original. I somehow made it through the whole movie.
It’s a weird movie from the start (with a Dario Argento kind of weird), but it gets really weird (with a David Cronenberg kind of weird?) towards the end.
Anyway, this movie was fine. I like Mia Goth. I found Tilda Swinton’s performance(s) really engaging and entertaining. And I’ll try not to complain about movies being “long” for at least a few days.