Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)★★★★☆

It seems a lot of people didn’t like this movie, but it’s under an hour and a half, well-paced and well-acted, and has action pretty much from the start.
(Maybe spoilers) Sure, it’s trying to say a whole lot in a very short amount of time, so all that ends up happening is these things get referenced once and dropped, or referenced incredibly briefly many times. Gentrification…School shootings…Social media…
Sure, basically no character in the movie is likable, so you’re not really rooting for anyone (honestly, not even Leatherface, he was a little boring, maybe except for the bus scene).
But I don’t know, it was fun to watch, and intentionally or not, had me literally laughing out loud at points (I mean, there’s even a reference to feral hogs!). And may I remind you it’s short?
And it has Alice Krige in it! So I liked it. If you’re really attached to the original film for whatever reason, maybe stay away from this one? But otherwise it’s a fun, short slasher.