The Blair Witch Project (1999)★★★★☆

I first saw this in theaters with my mom, and I admit the fourth star in my rating might be more for nostalgia than the film itself. I also admit that having seen this film multiple times, and seeing the actors in other things since, I have also lost some of the initial charm and mystery as I write this.
It was harder to get the right mood for this to really hit the same way. I also admit I’ve been tired this week so maybe nothing is hitting the same way.
The story here is decent, the acting is mostly believable. The pacing is a bit off, it drags a little in the beginning and then kind of takes off towards the end.
If you can watch this on a big screen in the dark, it will probably have more of an effect on you. But you’ve probably already seen this. Honestly, I can’t believe I haven’t already written about this.