The Cleaning Lady (2018)★★★★☆

This movie is…a lot. I guess it makes it pretty clear from the first scene that it’s going to be a lot, but somehow it still left me kind of…I don’t even know, it’s just a LOT.
Something about the title sequence and the camera angles had me really worried about this one at the start. I was pretty sure it was going to be terrible, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it wasn’t. It had me strangely riveted for most of it, almost literally couldn’t turn away.
I wish the acting and dialogue were a little more realistic, but it wasn’t awful. I think the young Shelly actress is my favorite. The one playing Helen kept making me think of both Brooke Shields and Annette O’Toole, and she was maybe my second favorite.
I said this movie was pretty clear from the start that it was going to be a lot, and it maintains that pretty steadily throughout. It’s well-paced - finally a short movie that feels short! And the end scene is so creepy and so perfect. But it’s a lot, so…be warned?