The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)★★★★☆

First and foremost, happy birthday to my little brother! This one’s for you!
Second, I was actually working at Netflix when this movie came out! I remember the hype and the rush and the huge event we had to screen it. And I was so excited to see Chris O’Dowd!
And sure, it doesn’t really feel like a Cloverfield movie aside from a few glimpses and the names of some major things. But I found it interesting as a standalone film, and I think it’s fine to fit it into the Cloverfield universe.
It’s got some great acting, a lot of tension and uncertainty, and a few absolutely terrifying scenes.
If you go into this expecting a real Cloverfield sequel, you’ll be disappointed. Apparently there’s still a possibility of getting one of those…someday. But if you go into this expecting an interesting science fiction story, you might enjoy it as much as I did!