The Collector (2009)★★★★☆

I’m not quite as sleepy today, but I am hoping to get to bed early, so I’ll be brief here. I like this one. It’s got a mostly unfamiliar cast – well, except for Madeline Zima (you know, the little girl Grace from The Nanny) – that’s pretty good, a decent soundtrack, and an interesting story. It’s even paced pretty well.
It was apparently written by the writers of Saw IV, V, and VI – I haven’t yet decided if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Speaking of which, that reminds me…I’m going to start “Summer See Saw Sundays” this weekend where I watch every Saw movie, one each for seven Sundays in a row.
But yeah, this movie. It’s pretty graphic and gruesome, so not for the faint of heart. I found the traps relatively original, though, making this an above average “let’s play a game”-type of film. I’ve used this as a first date movie before, but that takes a special kind of relationship so I don’t really recommend it. I do recommend this movie, though. And its sequel, which I’ll be watching tomorrow.