The Dead Don't Die (2019)★★☆☆☆

I heard a lot about this movie while it was in production and as it was released, but I only just got around to watching it. I really wanted to like it! It’s got a lot of familiar faces! And yet…
It most reminds me of Freaks of Nature, another horror-comedy that ends up being neither horror nor comedy. Neither of these films have quite figured out the tone they want to take, which makes them just boring slogs to get through.
This movie in particular leans too heavily on unnecessary fourth wall breaking. Especially as regards the theme song. Don’t get me wrong, the song itself isn’t bad, but the frequent references to it are too much.
I think maybe that’s my biggest problem with this movie. It’s too concerned with being clever to be entertaining. And it’s not really all that clever. I think Zombieland is the better Bill Murray zombie film (I haven’t seen the sequel so can’t vouch for that), and this one is really skippable.
Except for maybe Tilda Swinton. If you LOVE Tilda Swinton, you could fast-forward through all the scenes but hers. She’s pretty great.