The Deep House (2021)★★★★☆

Similarly to last night’s movie, I liked this movie more than I expected, but it kind of fell apart at the end.
Maybe it’s because I read a lot of deep-sea (and deep space!) horror last year, and I think the concept is cool. Maybe because I really liked Tina. Maybe I just think abandoned old houses are creepy and cool!
Whatever it is, I was totally on board for most of this movie, despite some of the stupid things people did…probably spoilers ahead… like, at least in some of the deep-sea horrors I read, people ran lines to be able to get themselves back to the surface! They had extra air tanks available! They KNEW what they were doing, and Ben and Tina felt way less prepared to explore an underwater house than they should have been.
Some of the stuff that happens to them is pretty obvious, and given that a lot of this is shot underwater, there’s a lot that happens either offscreen or in views that aren’t quite clear. But I still liked this movie! Mostly. Again, it kind of fell apart at the end…I feel like there have been quite a few movies lately that have a good start to their story but aren’t quite sure how to end it so it just kind of…ends.
Overall, though, this is worth a watch. And it’s not too long, either!