The Invisible Man (2020)★★★★☆

Okay, this is a longer movie that feels long, and definitely has its parts that drag on…but Elisabeth Moss is just SO GOOD that it’s hard to give this one anything under four stars. Plus it was directed by Leigh Whannell of Insidious and Saw fame!
I never read H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man, and I didn’t watch the 1933 film, or any of its sequels (or the miniseries), so I don’t really have a sense for how closely this matches up…but I can understand that it feels hard to name this anything BUT “The Invisible Man” without drawing criticism or comparison.
It starts out strong, there’s a LOT of tension built up, and I think pretty much everyone delivers a good performance in this. If the pacing were a little tighter, this could be a five-star film. As it is, I still liked it, but there are definitely slow moments.