The Midnight Meat Train (2008)★★★★☆

I’ve always liked this movie. I’m actually surprised I didn’t review it in 2016, since it’s been around for years! I think I actually read the short story, probably when I was much younger and into splatterpunk? But this movie is fun. And gory. Very gory. Like, take as much gore as you would expect from a horror movie and then add some.
I have always liked Vinnie Jones. I feel like I first saw him in Gone in 60 Seconds, which was one of my favorite movies when I was younger (I watched it several times on a Disney cruise I went on as a teenager!…also I’ve always had a thing for Angelina Jolie…). He’s perfect in this.
Leslie Bibb has always been a guilty pleasure actor of mine as well. I really liked Popular and there’s just something so sweet about her. And Bradley Cooper is in one of my most-watched and most-liked horror movies (side note, how did I only rate THAT one four stars? Might have to revisit that movie and my rating on it soon), and was well cast in this one.
For a short story turned into a movie over an hour and a half long, there’s something really great about the timing and pacing of this movie that shouldn’t leave you bored at all! Just remember there’s a lot of gore. It may not be totally realistic gore, but it’s gore nonetheless.