The Open House (2018)★★★☆☆

Wow, people really do NOT like this movie. Like, it has an 8% on Rotten Tomatoes with over 1000 reviews.
Actually, I think this review by Shaun Munro says it best: “This virtually tension-free, depressingly bland horror flick is tough to recommend to anyone but the most undemanding horror fans looking for something gentle to stream on a hungover Sunday afternoon.”
And yeah, there’s another Open House that I find far more interesting and tense and entertaining.
So why did I give it three stars? Well, because sometimes I AM that undemanding horror fan looking for something gentle.
And because I thought the acting was good, even though nothing of note happens for most of the movie.
And because the ending is genuinely tense and creepy! The very ending, though, the last 15 minutes or so.
And it’s short. And somehow, despite the lack of tension or action, I didn’t find this movie particularly boring. So, I bet you can guess what I think about this film overall…it’s just ____!