The Tooth Fairy (2006)★★★☆☆

Okay, so I said before that I like Lochlyn Munro, and I enjoy his performances and would love to see more of him. Well, I’m not sure this is quite the “more of him” I was looking for, but it wasn’t all bad.
It’s actually pretty bad, but bad in a way where I’m pretty sure it KNOWS it’s bad. It’s campy and hilarious but also taking itself a little too seriously at times? Honestly the death scenes are the funniest parts. The not-so-great performances from most of the actors are close, though. Especially every time Cole (Steve Bacic) says “FUCK”.
But Lochlyn Munro does great, as does Chandra West (also from Spiral!). The kids’ performances I could take or leave.
I don’t know, overall this is just so bad it’s funny. I’d say it’s good background noise, but you should peek at the screen when someone’s getting killed. Those scenes are REALLY entertaining (and gory).