The Watchers (2024)★★★★☆


So, this is M. Night Shyamalan’s daughter’s filmmaking review. She directed the film, and wrote the screenplay adaptation of the novel by A.M. Shine (which I haven’t read, but am considering it now). My immediate thought was, is this going to be any good, or is it Hollywood nepotism at work?

Well, I liked it! So maybe it IS an example of nepotism, but I didn’t feel it was entirely unearned? I loved the creepy atmosphere that’s developed at the start. I LOVED the cast. And the Watchers themselves were interesting.

Was it a perfect movie? No. Could it have been scarier? Absolutely. But overall I found this highly watchable, and better than the reviews might have you believe (often true of scary movies).

I know the question you all have is, given that it’s a film by a Shyamalan, is there A TWIST? Sorry, readers, but that’s one answer I won’t spoil for you. You’ll have to watch this for yourself.