The Wicker Man (1973)★★★☆☆


Am I a bad horror movie fan? I thought this was just okay. On thinking a bit, I guess the remake was one of the earlier/earliest Hollywood horror remakes, so there were probably more critical eyes on it than for some of the later ones? But honestly, I liked them both about the same.

Sure, this one takes itself more seriously. It certainly has more nudity and sex, AND more Christopher Lee. But I liked Ellen Burstyn’s Sister Summersisle just fine.

I kind of want to read the novel both films are based on, David Pinner’s Ritual, to see which is a more faithful adaptation. Maybe I’ll add it to my reading list.

Honestly, I don’t think you’d go too wrong watching either this movie or the remake. I guess it depends on how much Nicolas Cage you’re looking for.